Monday, April 14, 2008

In Memoriam

Jane Hammond. Fallen, 2004-ongoing, recto and verso color inkjet prints from digital files, matt medium,jade glue, sumi ink, acrylic paint, gouache, fibreglass strand and handmade cotton rag.

Jane Hammonds work appears in Art in America April 2008. 
I am interested in memorials and how we chose to remember by listing and also (and I can't work out why!) displaying captured artillery. Hammond's creation of a permanent record of the ephemeral is very interesting. 
My interest in documents of identity extends to the way in which they are used to identify and control those who are alive and to provide records of those we chose to record as dead. 
I am particularly interested in the choice of the US government not to provide a count or a list of those civilians who have died since the occupation of Iraq and of the reluctance of the media to name victims. How do we make a memorial for them. I am currently working on a series of works 'portraits of the unknown' which explore these ideas. 

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